After a stronghold has been made of the bones, it is covered with flesh and blood,
and there dwell in it old age and death, pride and deceit.

Patron Deity:
Cedric, Harbinger of War and Destruction
Average Size:
6 – 7 1/2 paces tall
Age Range:
Orc’s are considered adults younger than most, after almost 15 years of training. On average, they live to be 70
To other races, orcs are possibly the ugliest sentient creatures in Visola. They are taller than humans and much more muscular. Their skin is tough and leathery and ranges from various shades of green to gray to nearly total black. The eye colors of an orc are the most diverse of all races except for pixies. Orc eye color can be all the normal colors of a human but also are known to include yellows and golds, dark reds, blacks, all white, and grays.
The unnatural colored eyes are said to be from clan ancestral bloodlines. Gray eyes usually mean someone has Variag clan somewhere in their ancestral line. Dark Red has been proven to come from the Dragonslayer clan line, Yellows, and Golds from the Dragon clan, all-white eye color of the Hidehunter clan, and a supernatural all back eye color is remnants of a Bloodkin ancestral bloodline.
An orc’s jaw is typically strong and wide and protrudes out noticeably. Nearly all orcs have two tusks sticking up from their bottom jaw, directly beneath their canines. Most orcs have black hair, but some have dark browns or reds, and a white-haired orc is not unheard of. Other orcs are naturally bald. Typical orc styles involve braiding or tying long hair (and beards) in intricate ways with charms, bones, and other decorations.
Female orcs are notoriously difficult to tell apart from the males, according to most non-orcs. They are just as large, muscular, and tusked as the men, though with a few more curves and no facial hair.
Example Description of an Orc
Coming Soon

Orcs are often seen as brutal, mindless beasts, but this could not be further from the truth. Orcs are actually a tribal shamanistic society skilled in arts of war and a rich culture and strong family ties. Many orc rituals involve blood rites and other acts that appear barbaric to outside cultures, but they have deep meaning to orcish society. Honor and loyalty are important to the orcs, as is a blood relation. An orc who abandons his family, or defies the chief of his clan, is seen by the others as honorless and is often banished.
Each orc clan has slight differences in how they operate when it comes to inner relationships. The Bloodkin Clan, for example, is Matriarchal by nature, so it is led by the wisest female orcs in the Clan. It is also structured around polyamory. The females take in male orcs they deem worthy of their attention, but they still remain respectful, regardless as Bloodkin is still kin.
The Dragon and Dragonslayer clans are both Patriarchal but extremely loyal to one mate till death.
The Variag clan is unique because while they can have both male and female Chieftains, they practice a form of platonic polygamy in that they are devoted to making sure all Orcs within the clan are taken care of. If this means adopting a widow into their family folds, they do so without question.
Finally, Hidehunter clan is fairly lax in their structure and remains polyamorous for the most part, but each family Clan makes that decision depending on their preference.
Individual family clans within the 5 major Orcish clans may also choose their own structure with how they view relationships, but all are loyal to their clan at all cost.
Clan Structure
The strongest orc in the 5 major clans is its Chieftain, just as a Chief is the strongest family member in the family clans. The Chieftain is the clan’s leader and its highest power. A Chieftain also settles most disputes within the clan or family clans. Any disputes that aren’t easily settled, or challenges to the leadership of the Chieftain, are resolved through combat. These combats, however, are never to the death. There are no customs regarding a clan’s influence over another clan, but the smaller clans usually find it prudent to follow the words of the larger clans.
The Orc Clans are divided up into 5 major clans, in which each family clan is also absorbed. Often an Orc’s family name is considered its main clan. Example: Rhukk of the Karigorn Clan. Karigorn being the last name. Then the Karigorn Clan could be members of one of the 5 major clans.
Each clan has a different view on what happens in the afterlife. The Dragon Clan believes that in the afterlife, due to their strength and the number of warriors they have, they will live in the Great Hall of Cedric under Mount Ka’Sador. The Bloodkin clan believes the souls of their dead end up in the sacred Skull of Souls of the ancestors, named “The Foremother Skull” after the first Bloodkin Mother. The remaining clans tend to follow the same mindset that the dead end up in the Underworld, judged by Isorian on whether they will go to the Isle of Eraphus or Abystus.
Disclaimer: Our orcs are not like LoTR orcs. They are not mindless killing machines, they are not stupid, and they do not talk like they have a -350 I.Q. They are actually very intelligent and strategic warriors (hence why they were able to dominate most of the world during the Age of Strife), and are very devote (and often dark in the eyes of other races) shamans. They participate in intricate blood rites, their encampment is decorated in trophy skulls and skins of the fallen, etc.
The 5 major clans of Ka’sador are as follows:
Dragon Clan – The Dragon clan consists of Orc family clans that are religiously devoted to Lord Cedric, Harbinger of War. They preach and attempt to convert other Orc Clans to follow in the footsteps of their creator, and often look down on the other Clans for their lack of devotion. They are known for wanting to bring back the old ways of the Orc people. Their symbol is of an ouroboros dragon.
Variag Clan – The Variag Clan is a horde of the best Orcish warriors. Their Chieftan is often considered the Chieftain of all 5 major tribes due to brute strength often being the main factor in Clan succession. They are the most respected and smallest clan, due to their strict and often violent code of honor and recruitment. Their symbol is of a blazing red sun.
Dragonslayer Clan – The Nemesis of the Dragon Clan, the Dragonslayers are remnants of the Orc Chieftans that originally rose up against Cedric during the Age of Strife. They frequently war with the Dragon Clan and attempt to open the eyes of the other Orcs in hopes of swaying them away from Cedric’s control and remain independent of his tyranny. Their symbol is of a sword through an ouroboros dragon.
Bloodkin Clan – The Bloodkin Clan is filled with Orc Shamans and Mystics. Many of the sacred blood rites and ritualistic animal sacrifices are performed by members of the Bloodkin Clan. Though powerful with their magic, to some even more powerful than the VariagClan, they still cannot reach the same respect and status among the Orc people because they might do not match the Variag. They are also considered by some to be the most intelligent of the Orcish Clans, filled with many scholars and students of the Dark Arts. Their symbol is of an upside-down golden skull.

Hidehunter Clan – The Hidehunter Clan is filled with many of the nomadic Orcs that travel throughout Visola. They are fairly independent, seeking refuge in their solitary lifestyle, but still loyal to other Hidehunters. They are, of course, the best hunters, trackers, and survivalists in all Orcish culture due to their vast knowledge of the terrain. The sigil of the Hidehunter clan is that of a burned set of antlers.
Clanless – Those that are not members of the 5 major Clans of Ka’sador are considered Clanless. Clanless orcs are not often accepted into the other Clans unless they challenge a Chief or Chieftan, but exceptions have been made.
Note: All PC Orc’s are considered clanless orcs unless approved by the staff otherwise (See HELP CHARACTER RESTRICTIONS) or through roleplay with one of the Orc leaders.
Typical Orc Names:
Orc names are very harsh in how they sound, sometimes taking on some Scandinavian style verbiage.
Orcs typically introduce themselves as the given name of their family clan name.
Some examples of Orc names are:
- Gunda of Clan Magnar (Gunda Magnar)
Orcs are without a doubt the strongest of all the races of Visola physically and are nearly the sturdiest. Most orcs are ripped with tight, corded muscle, giving them explosive power for the size of their frame. With their wide and thick bodies, however, they are not the most agile creatures. They are seen by most races as unintelligent, and while orcs are generally not as intellectual as the average human, they are much more cunning and wise than they are usually given credit for. Many orc tribes have also gained a powerful understanding of shamanistic magic, which comes as a surprise to many people who have not witnessed it for themselves. While their brute and size make them capable of handling forced damage, they struggle against certain hydromancy due to their fiery upbringing.
Tips for Playing an Orc:
- Don’t assume orcs are brainless killing machines. Instead, think of them as very ceremonial militaristic people with strong familial ties
- Orcs usually refer to themselves as “First name of clan Last Name”. For example, Gunda Magnar might introduce herself as “Gunda of Clan Magnar”, which is the family clan she belongs to. Should your orc also belong to one of the 5 major clans, you could introduce yourself as “Gunda of Clan Magnar and member of the Variag Clan”.
- Orcs are very proud and strong-tempered, but that doesn’t mean they entirely dismiss other racial warriors. They have a profound respect for strong warriors of any race, especially in leadership roles because they equate that to Chieftains in their own culture. They understand that in order to achieve this role that person must have done good things. Orcs don’t simply hate everyone. They may look down on a lot but warrior’s and strength are something they honor.
- Orc’s are not in constant rage mode. They are actually quite calm and collected. They believe to be a good warrior you have to keep your wits about you at all times. Raging off in temper tantrums leaves you vulnerable.

Orcs were originally created by Cedric to be the ultimate tools of war, and for generations that is exactly what they were. The orcs waged war on all the other races of Visola at once during the Age of Strife and did so with great success. Few orcs were happy being tools of war, however. When Cedric was killed, the orcs threw off these chains and strove to live peacefully and preserve their way of life, no longer controlled as puppets of war.
At the end of the Age of Strife, there were seven tribes of orcs. To this day, five of those tribes are still in existence and are the largest and strongest of the tribes by far. Two claim Mount Ka’sador as their home (Variag and Dragon Clan), and the other three are nomadic. There are legends about the fate of the seventh tribe, but they vary widely. Countless smaller tribes have branched off onto their own since the days of the original seven, and some orcs wander Visola on their own, banished or otherwise found homeless and clanless.
Notable Orcs Throughout History:
- Garakh Ushat of the Bloodkin Clan
Common Stereotypes
Human – Sometimes I think it is really humans that Cedric should have created. Most are too easily corrupted with this hunger for power that they lust for. There are few that I respect.
Brownies – Small they may be, but a mighty warrior they still are. Protect them if you can, they are helpful allies, and probably the only race willing to accept us for who we really are.
Hydrelean – I can’t say that I’ve ever really met one of these ocean beasts, be cautious, we do not know what powers they hold under their waters.
Aeromis – They understand peace and have never given us any reason to believe they want nothing but peace. I’ve seen a few in the mountains, and we respect each other.
Pixies – Annoying little pests and I’ve often thought of trying one as a snack.
Elves – They are so blind with hatred for our people, I’ve not run across an elf yet who would not spit on the very path I walk on. Be very cautious if an elf is nearby, I do not trust these heathens.
Centaurs – Fierce warriors and I respect their honor, but sometimes I feel as though they have been around too many elves.
Felar – Fiends! The last Felar I ran into tried to steal what gold I had, he did not wake up the following morning. They have no honor in their hearts and no place in this world.
Dwarves – Their heads are as stubborn as the very rocks of Mount Ka’sador. You cannot reason with a dwarf but hope that you will both travel on the same path.
Gnomes – Every Gnome I’ve come across usually runs in the opposite direction. They are much too skittish for my peace of mind.
Giants – Giants have always been open with our kind. Even during the battles of the ancients, they tried what they could to be merciful and understanding. For this, I hold them with the highest regard.
Warcraft III
Variag Orc artwork by Movd
(This is the general concept of the race. Advent allows for diversity and originality when it comes to racial concepts and background, as long as it is within reason. Physical references to races should remain within the norm. Feel free to use your creativity should you choose to do so. Orc created by: Guillaume Bonnet)