We’re starting up another contest to celebrate the glory that is Halloween! This is for a spooky story contest, though it doesn’t need to be a long story. Short stories are perfectly acceptable 🙂 As always, entries may be entered into the game and credited to you!
Prize for the winners?
The best and most creative story submission will be chosen by the staff and will receive an award of 5RPP, 25 gold, and 1200 passive points to up their skills.
Rules of Engagement:
- Your story can be any length, but should have a concise outline and not just a sentence (stares at Kodi)
- The story is meant to be scary and IC, so using in-game lore
- Stories will be submitted through a special form on the website
- Stories can be submitted from now until October 31st at 11:59pm EST.
- Even stories that did not win may be incorporated into the game. You are welcome to include names of a character you’d like associated with starting this story as it may be incorporated as game lore history.
As always, if there are any questions, feel free to send a note to IMM in-game, or send a message via the contact form. You can send us a tell in-game as well, but we may miss those occasionally.