Just a note: We may crash a bit right now while we test out some of the new spells and skills and overall new code. Builders are encouraged to save […]
Continue reading »Category: Code
For any code related updates that aren’t attentions. This will display in the main update section of the website. Example would be, like announcing that we are switching to ACM Code.
Minor: Tattoo
Add a tattoo skill. Have it create an actual permanent object on a person. Should just display TATTOOED and then the short will describe location. Should we max this?
Continue reading »Minor: Movement Messages
Perhaps add different movement messages according to terrain. Such as a swamp area would cause a player to “slosh.”
Continue reading »Minor: Hiding Objects
A way to hide objects in brush, and a way to tie off boats on river ledges.
Continue reading »Minor: Bug Monitoring
Reading through some MUD Forums, I noticed a MUD that had a way to help monitor the lastest bugs that I thought might be useful: @bugl Number Time Reporter Command […]
Continue reading »Major: Dynamic Orgs
I don’t know how viable this is, but the thought occured to me this morning and it would make roleplay transitions easier down the road. A description flag, like $org, […]
Continue reading »Minor: Sign off messages
Make a code that displays random sign off messages. Editable in game via helpfile. Much like the hint channel and help hintslist
Continue reading »Minor: Spellset
Like sayset but as an emote for casting spells. Also the abillity to emote while casting spells.
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