Cleaner Website Layout and Code Additions

Obviously I’ve put up a slightly different version of our old website layout. This one is a bit cleaner and hopefully more secure (the previous one kept getting infected with worms). So far everything seems to work fine.

In leau of the modifed layout, I’ve put up a section on the right for Cedric to display any major code updates. This is only for system or signifcant changes, and all of the regular day-to-day stuff will remain in help updates, which anyone can login to checkup on.

I am in the process of overhauling a lot of website content, to match game content, so racial pages have been removed temporarily. Pending my work schedule will determine when I am able to get these done.

Murelu and I spent the majority of Sunday completing about 80% of our main beta area, and look to have that completely finished over the next few weeks. After that we’ll have just the newbie area left as areas to have completed for beta. We don’t intend to open up a large world at first, so as to not overwhelm and distance the players from each other.

If you’d like to help us get there faster, we do so love creative builders, so fill out our builder application.

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