Advent is a constant bustle of activity, even now during Alpha testing. New code is always being put in or adjusted, new areas are going in, new theme and storylines are being added to helpfiles and the website.
We don’t announce each of these individual updates on the website, we reserve the website for big global changes, and possibly even area announcements, policy updates, etc.
But players can keep themselves informed on the goings on of Advent several ways.
1. HELP RECENT – Help recent will give you a display of every visible helpfile that has been modified or added recently. By default it will show the last 15, but by simply adjusting your syntax to: help recent 20 or help recent 30, you can see further back.
2. HELP UPDATES – Help updates is consistently updated by our staff with updates and changes to the code. It serves two purposes, allowing players to stay on top of everything we’re doing to better the game, and allows the staff to remember “what the hell did I do yesterday?”
3. Obviously, the Website and Forum – Ideas are constantly being discussed on the forum. Just recently Cedric invited players to help design new spells for or magical skills by asking players to “design their own class.” Our website will also hold all the information (and maybe even some extra for theme) that is currently in the game. Even some stories that we are unable to put in book format in game may find their way onto our website, as well as guides and tutorials on various topics for newbies and seasoned players alike.
4. MOTD – or “Message of the day” displays automatically every time you login, and is a helpfile that we will post announcements on once we have more active announcements to display. A lot of people get used to this screen and bypass it out of habit, but it’s a good idea to train yourself to glance over it everyday when you login.