Object Flags

Below is a complete list of object flags used in Advent of the Mists, should you get confused what something does.


armor A piece of armor, giving protecting attributes
boatFlags the item as a boat for crossing water.  This is used for small boats mainly because you need to be able to pick the item up to use it.  Bigger boats we’ll probably have to prog.
clothingAn article of clothing
containerFlags the item a container for storing other objects.
drink-containerMakes the item a container you can fill with water, and drink from.
foodFlags the item a piece of food, the per tick value how long the food lasts till you are hungry again.
fountainMakes an item in the room for a permanant water source.
furnitureCreates a piece of furniture for resting. Can set amount of healing and amount of people for sitting.
gem To create a gemstone item (Will be useful in the future)
instrumentCreates an instrument
jewelry For any type of jewelry, will offer extra “wear” commands for different parts of the body. I.E. ears.
keyFlags an item a key for opening another object.
light Creates a light source.
mapCreates…..maps, doesn’t do anything special yet.
moneyFor making gold/silver – Not to be used by builders….not sure what on earth it’s for 😛
npccorpseFor making corpses – Not to be used by builders.
pillCreates an item that when eaten, can have certain affects on the character.
portal For creating portals in portal magic – Not to be used by builders.
potion Creates an item then when drank, can have certain affects on the character.
rangedweaponCreates a ranged weapon like a bow or throwing knife.
scrollCreates a scroll, when recited casts designated spells.
shieldCreates a shield object.
staff Creates a staff for brandishing certain spells.
treasureCreates a generic item.
wandCreates a wand with designated spells you can zap on other characters.
warpstoneHas association with portal spell – Not to be used by builders.
weaponCreates a wielded weapon. (see ranged for ranged weapons)
ammoCreates an ammo object for ranged weapons.


tether To make a tether post for pets/mounts.
bless For items when blessed by immortals.
glowCauses the item to glow
humCauses the item to hum
hidden For items that are hidden in a room.
invisMakes the item invisible
skip_update If you want your item to skip any stat adjustments.
magicFlags the item as magical
no_container For items that will not fit in a container.
no_dropMakes it so the item is not able to be dropped.
no_locate Means the item is unable to be located with ‘locate object’
no_remove Curses the item so you can’t remove it.
no_sac Flags the item to prevent from being sacrificed.
no_take For items you don’t want to be able to be picked up.
no_uncurseFlags the item so you cannot uncurse it.
rotdeath Flags the item so it rots when you die.
rainproofMeans this object protects the wearer from the rain
warm Means this object protects the wearer from the cold
concealing This object hides the wearers identity by name