To start editing an object, go to the room you wish this object to reset in.
Type: edit object create <vnum> – This will create a new object.
Type: edit object <vnum> – To edit an existing object.
Type: olist 1/2/3 – To see a list of all the objects in the area while in the object editor.
Type: show – to see the current information of the object, which should look like this:
To build the basics of your object, go to the Objects Tutorial first, then come back here for the drink container values.
Keywords: [no name] Area: [ 3] Thelasian Harbor Vnum: [ 256] Type: [drink-container] Level: [ 1] Wear flags: [hold take] Extra flags: [none]. Perm Spell: [nothing] Activation: [never] Act chance: [0%] Material: [food] Condition: [ 100] Weight: [ 5] Cost: [ 200] Size: [tiny] Ex desc kwd: [none] Short desc: (no short description) Long desc: (no description) [v0] Liquid Total: [0] [v1] Liquid Left: [0] [v2] Liquid: water [v3] Poisoned: No | Liquid Total, Left, Liquid, Poisoned Liquid total determines how much water the drink-container can hold. On average a regular sized drink-container holds a liquid total of 20 or so. Liquid Left determines how much liquid is left in the container at first. Some containers are bought empty. The numbers are based off of gulps. If you want your container to just have one gulp of liquid, just set the number as 1. If you want it to hold 20 gulps of liquid, set the liquid total as 20. Liquid lets you pick what type of liquid starts out in the container. For a list of liquids type: ? liquid Poisoned is simple, it flags the liquid poisoned or not. Note: It’s suggested that all drink containers be set as wear hold unless there is a specific reason for it to be set as something else. |
To exit the object editor, type: done
And be sure to -always- save your area by typing: edit area, asave area, done