To start editing an object, go to the room you wish this object to reset in.
Type: edit object create <vnum> – This will create a new object.
Type: edit object <vnum> – To edit an existing object.
Type: olist all or olist 2 – To see a list of all the objects in the area while in the object editor.
Type: show – to see the current information of the object, which should look like this:
To build the basics of your object, go to the Objects Tutorial first, then come back here for the container values.
Keywords: [small leather bag] Area: [ 26] Beginnings Vnum: [ 2420] Type: [container] Level: [ 1] Wear Loc: [hold] Extra flags: [no_container] Perm Spell: [nothing] Activation: [never] Act chance: [0%] Material: [leather] Condition: [ 100] Weight: [ 1.0] Cost: [ 5] Timer: [0] Size: [all] Ex desc kwd: [small leather bag] Short desc: a small leather bag Long desc: A small bag made of leather was left here. [v0] Weight: [10 stones] [v1] Flags: [closeable] [v2] Key: none [0] [v3] Capacity [7] [v4] Weight Mult [0] | Weight, Flags, Key, Capacity v0 is how much weight the container can hold. A consistency chart will be drawn up later. v1 allows you to set certain flags on the container, such as whether or not it can be closed, whether or not it’s locked, etc. v2 allows you to set a key for your container, should you choose to have it lockable. You have to go ahead and make a key object (type KEY), then you set the key for this container as that object vnum. So if your key vnum is 100, you would set the v2 value like this: v2 100 v3 capacity is how many items total the container can hold. Such as only being able to hold 30 items, 5 items, etc. Setting the capacity to -1 will allow it to hold unlimited things, but NO CONTAINER should have that value unless approved by an IMP first. v4 affects how much the items weight once in the backpac. For example, if you set v4 to 50, it means the objects in the container are going to weight 50% of what they would outside the container. |
To exit the object editor, type: done
And be sure to -always- save your area by typing: edit area, asave area, done